What really struck me about White Bear episode was how justified the citizens in this society felt in punishing the protagonist. It was as if they didn't even cringe when faced with the pain of another which is weird. It was like watching as society of sociopaths only concerned with themselves and no empathy for others. I think the episode examples the ability of man to perfectly ignore the well being of others in order to make themselves feel better. They even went as far as showing her crimes and her story in the final reveal as though to remind themselves that this what she deserves. It shows that all humans have an inherent evil that stems from self gratification and willful ignorance to the world around them.
So they chose a scapegoat, someone that could be the antithesis to their good world and make their mistakes feel insignificant. They found this scapegoat in the form of a young woman of color who not only had done wrong but was physically different enough from them so that they could alienate her easily. They didn't just alienate her the turned her in to an animal to be viewed and tortured in a zoo for their amusement. This ability to dehumanize and turn others into prey or victims is animalistic, just as animalistic as killing another person or watching someone kill another.
This this ability to twist reality so that it favors you is wrong and something humans do everyday. I don't believe this episode was supposed to make the viewer feel weird for siding with the protagonist . Instead, I think it was trying to show the evil in humans and our willingness to ignore or live with societal wrongs as long as they don't directly affect us.We realize we're hypocritical and ignore it which is the real danger. The rules we've created for ourselves don't apply to us as long as we look good breaking them. Though everyone may not be the same degree of evil they're all willfully ignorant to the damage they're doing to themselves and they'll say ignorant until they find themselves in the role of societal outcast.
I think the most important part of this episode is the relatability of the character. It allows of to put ourselves in that position and are able to feel for her situation. It shows that we don't have to be animals that lock people away in torture prisons. As humans there's a duality inside us of good and evil meaning there's hope but they both stem from self obsession because we're all a bit like sociopaths.
I agree with you that i do not think the episode was trying to make us feel bad for siding with the girl. Following her through the park showed us her true fear. Fear is one thing i think all people can understand, everyone gets scared of something. She's lost and confused. That is such a regular human situation, but not always that severe. Also, every time they show the public when they are not interacting with the girl they are laughing and just having a merry old time. Her torture doesn't effect their lives directly so they can move on from it like its nothing.