Friday, September 25, 2015

Team Chris Kyle for America

Team America, the movie with puppets and was a joking war movie.  In the first couple minutes, the movie really represents the problem with war when Americans invade, in my opinion.  We go into a country balls-a-blazin' straight for the enemy, not considering what the cost is for the people whose land we are intruding on.  I.e. In Team America, they blew up the Eiffel Tower and this huge building, costing many lives, just to say that they "got the bad guys". In my personal interpretation  I felt as if them blowing that up was to illustrate how we don't really respect the damage we can possibly do as long as we neutralize the target, mission accomplished.  Likewise, Chris Kyle, who killed around 160 people as a Navy Seal, to protect his homeland, our homeland, from the terrorists and people who "potentially" want to harm America.  In American Sniper, Chris after his first kill lost his sense of who he is, the people he killed became almost target practice with little moral repercussions. Intending Harm, by Shelly Kagan helps us relate Chris Kyle’s actions by “if I kill the one to save the two, the death of the one- although intrinsically evil- is on the balance of a good”. Chris Kyle killed all of those civilians/terrorists/humans for the safety of his fellow marines.  Even though his kill count was around 160, he aided in the saving of hundreds of marines, some he saved more than once. 
Just War theory, allows death in war to be called as morally acceptable as long as certain specifications are met. One main aspect that could be potentially be seen as violated in Chris Kyle’s movie, was the fact of the civilian home invasion in a way that we beat certain members of the family; whom may not know a single thing about who or where the main rebellion leaders may be.  The one aspect of that possible violation is that they have the cities evacuated because of a war zone, but honestly who wants to be kicked out of their home leaving everything behind to run away because Americans are fight with a small specialized group in your country.  These people fight back against Americans most probably because they just want to live how they want to live, they want to protect where they have set up home, and protect their family.
Team America though, was all about how this actor named Gary will help learn of the terrorists plans and save America, at the expense of killing the people who just want justice for the way that America has damaged their homes and invaded their lives, forever changing who they are and what they think of the rest of the world.Chris Kyle in America’s eyes could be interpreted as a murderous villain, a martyr, and or a soldier who was doing his job, and as a person who had two military parents growing up, I believe he was just doing his job.


  1. I agree with you on the fact that Chris Kyle was doing his job. A soldier has a job just like anybody who works, theirs is just a little different. Where there might be the desk job that requires you to run to the store for supplies for your boss for the betterment of the company, the soldier might have to kill one man so save thousands of US citizens. We like to think that killing is a bad thing, which it is, but does killing a person whose life goal is to kill others such a bad thing? War exists and we cannot escape it. For as long as there are good people, there will also be bad ones out there as well.

  2. My counter question to yours is how do we know what the intent of the "bad" person is? Maybe they just intend to make a point about the way we treat others? Or maybe they just like carrying a AK-47 into heavy US military traffic? Sounds bizarre, but you don't always know what others are thinking or intending to do. Not everyone wants to kill us (on a good day).


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