Sunday, January 18, 2015

White Bear

White Bear starts off with a woman named Victoria who is very scared, confused and lost. She cannot remember her past or why she just woke up in a room by herself with bandages around her wrists and pills on the floor. The next thing Victoria notices is the symbol on the television screen. While I was watching this scene I automatically thought that Victoria's world is now ran by the government. I began to sympathize with her and feel scared for this character.

When they showed the first person “filming” her with their cell phone, I wondered if maybe she just escaped from prison... The rest of the people in the windows was eerie and started to get interesting. Especially when asking for help and shouting at the people to stop recording her, a man wearing a shirt with the symbol (same symbol she saw on the TV) pulls up in a car, takes out a shotgun, and fires at Victoria. And then the questions started flowing. What did this person do to deserve this type of punishment? How long has this poor girl been cooped up in this place?

Victoria then meets two new people who were not filming her with their phones. Unlike the other people she has run into, these people also talked to her. Then two people called hunters start chasing them. One included a woman in a yellow dress with a rabbit mask and a carving knife. A man showed up and told them to get into the van all while the hunters were chasing them. Once Victoria realized the man in the van was bad news, he pointed the shot gun to her back... told her to walk. Then they showed up at a weird place in the middle of a forest with dead people hanging from trees. All the sudden the weird group of people show up with their phones and start filming her again.. shes screaming and yelling. Long story short, Victoria is in a compound where she is basically tortured mentally and physically, brainwashed to wake up and not remember a single thing.

Aside from the emotionally disturbing, entertaining and interesting story, this episode made me think of the future of technology and how it could potentially run humanity into the ground. Today, we are constantly around our phones. I love my phone. It keeps me connected and in touch with people who are important to me. However, I often think of when the breaking point will be for our society. How bad will it have to get for people to realize that we now live in a day in age where technology is a huge part of our lives. With all of the recent hacking we see on the news these days with Sony and the government it can get overwhelming to think about how big of a disaster technology could bring upon us.


  1. I also agree that technology could be the down fall of the US. If the US did have a down fall of technology, i don't feel that many people would know how to survive. Society could return back to medieval times.

  2. I agree that "White Bear" brings up a question of when enough is enough, concerning technology. In the White Bear society, and also in our own world today, we see examples of technology taking over. People are addicted to sharing and receiving information and I sometimes feel that we are lose parts of our identities when we portray a version of our lives on social media. The people in the White Bear society saw Victoria suffering and basically turned a blind eye to her. This show touched on the fact that we have to deal with the issues in our society, instead of just becoming mindless onlookers.


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