Friday, November 13, 2015

Artificial Intelligence vs NSA

Citizen four and Blade Runner, both consisting of too much technology advancements for my comfort, both opened my eyes to realization that without control of technology society can be very harmed by the people who are suppose to protect us.  Granted as I am typing this blog right now, NSA is tapping into my computer and I am kind of worried about that because I do not want to be on their Watchist. So this is lovely.
Now, the central theme of Blade Runner to me was how throughout the film that with all of these advancements in technology that it caused a complete dystopian society.  The fear of not knowing what is around you, or better yet, who is around you.  The fact that most could not tell who was a replicant or who was the human was terrorizing in the idea
Personally, I had no idea about Edward Snowden, or what the heck the NSA was; it is scary to think that I am like many Americans living an oblivious life without any clue that perhaps every text, email, call, or anything done requiring internet is being tracked.  Now people are becoming more and more aware of how the government is overstepping their boundaries and violating our freedom and privacy. I am sure President Obama would not appreciate everyone seeing his messages or getting ahold of his nuclear codes.  It is plain and simple. Its a compromise of justice and our civil liberties. It a violation of the division of powers, because the executive branch is overstepping the judicial branch.  Come on America, get your sh** together and FIGHT CITY HALL before we turn in to a dystopian society like Blade Runner!

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