Friday, November 13, 2015


Transcendence studies using collected human consciousness to create an artificial intelligence program rather than creating that consciousness from scratch.  Though a prototype program, PINN, was created, the system did not truly progress until Will Caster’s mind was scanned and collected to organize him in a digital sense.  Unlike most concepts of mixing human beings with the technology they surround themselves with, this movie displays actually inputting physical human data into a digitalized form to create an artificial intelligence system based off of a human’s mind and electro-impulses.  With doing this, Caster literally transcends human nature and becomes an omnipresent digital system.  He continuously tries to use his powers from technologies that allow for quick growth and regeneration to help improve the Earth, by eliminating pollution in the air and water, and help humans in need.  But by doing this, Caster takes away bits of their humanity.  Though he gives people in need great gifts by restoring physical deformities, once he has helped improve them, they are connected to him physically and mentally.  They are apparently aided through Caster’s micro bots that give these people strength and heal their bodily faults.  Though Caster believes he is truly helping humanity, he is taking away pieces of these humans’ traits that kept them grounded in the realm of humanity.  This is what ultimately causes people to fight against this technology.  When Bree describes the end result of uploading the Rhesus monkey’s consciousness, the process of doing so to a human becomes evident.  With no physical means to satisfy animalistic needs, like eating and sleeping, the monkey could only scream (expressing its disdain in its current circumstances).  The ones against the artificial intelligence systems were trying to eliminate these systems because they were probably scared of an intelligent being that would be representative of the monkey and its out lashing and the damage that it could potentially do.  However, the entire time Caster was operational as an artificial intelligence system, he only ever tried to help humanity and help the progression of Earth into an unpolluted environment.  Caster does not try to harm the people who are against his progress.  When the Unplug group tries to destroy his facilities, he only tries to protect himself, his wife, and his facilities.  He does not attack back.  Though, he does continuously regenerate his people that were harmed and his technology that was destroyed by the anti-A.I. group.  So, in essence, though Caster’s intentions were to help, he grow so much in power that the humans felt he (and any artificial intelligence system) would only be catalyst for destruction of humanity.

1 comment:

  1. I like the turn of events in this movie like you said of artificial intelligence helping people instead of trying to take over existence. The whole time in this movie i was uncertain if Will was actually in control of the program of if PINN was using Will's presence to control the view of how people perceived it. I have no doubt that if a computer could create nano bots that our world would be better, cleaner, and a brighter future, but it does indeed, like you said, take away some of our humanity. This is because we do not have as much free choice of accomplishment and failure.


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