In all sci-fi there is a certain level of enhanced or more advanced technology than we are used to experiencing the the normal world of today. The interesting thing that like to think about is aspect of the future being so close to us all the time. When there Is a image of Los Angeles in the future like it is depicted in the first scene in Bladerunner, it makes one think that flying cars will appear when that date will happen. (Sadly we are not in flying cars and the date is in the past now)
Robots are not foreign to our everyday life styles that we have, and probably would not be able to function if our keurig did not work in the morning. This is such a small scale comparison to what the robots are in Bladerunner, since they are far above the robotic expertise of a simple coffee machine, but it all ties together. These androids, are no coffee makers, but they do serve the same purpose of serving the human creators. What is very interesting about this movie is when. The realization, or waking up, of the androids is discovered that they actually can think for themselves. This is when they are accused of murdering the workers of an off planet mining operation. What is interesting is that the androids are fitted with a skin, or coating that makes them look more human. This is for the safety of the humans, not knowing that they are among them, because without the information of being present then they don't exist in their mind.
An interesting scene that gets overlooked is the beginning one in the police interrogation room. The officer is asking questions to the "human" that are without a positive answer and up for interpretation. This creates a discrepancy in the android not being able to help a helpless turtle that is flipped over it's shell. As human we know that this happens sometimes and can't be helped, but for the android, he is trying to compute how to help and why it is on its shell. This is a technique that the humans use to identify if there is a android in their midst since reason and answers are a hard concept to master and program. Just like in Ex-Machina, it is hard to program a mind to think with intelligence and also moral judgement for actions when there is no soul. Where the line becomes blurred, is when the A.I. does not know that it is an artificial being and thinks it is a human because it is never told. For all people regardless if they are real or not, knowledge is power. Knowing you can't be stopped would give an incredible confidence boost like the leader of the android group.
With the settings of the movie, the world is all "smart" and connected. I would like to see some of the aspects from the film, but not all of them. If we create enough technology to help us then we could also be complacent in the actions that we chose to do.
Morality requires an understanding and respect for the life of other beings. As a computer cannot interpret the world the same way a human can without a human-like body and senses, it is arguable that a computer with artificial intelligence cannot develop a respect for morality without experiencing a life limited by mortality. A machine that cannot die cannot be expected to value human life the same as a human would, because the machine cannot empathize with the loss life.