Saturday, December 19, 2015

Artificial Intelligence and Identity

Artificial Intelligence 

I agree with the quote “Existence without essence is very stressful.” The quote captures my belief that human beings, even better, human intelligence and artificial intelligence are two distinct things. Artificial intelligence(AI) is ultimate created by humans. This means that they are designed to more or less to be better. AIs are designed think logically and rationally, but clear rational and logical thought are what I believe separate AIs from human intelligence.

Reflecting on my younger years, I remember getting upset every time a tv show or online video showed an advertisement. I would sit there in anger because I wanted to enjoy my latest episode of Spongebob, but the anger is what separates human intelligence and artificial intelligence. Emotions are how a person feels about a certain experience. No matter how unreasonable, how illogical it maybe for someone to feel a certain emotion that emotion will still be felt. Those advertisements that I was so upset to watch were the same advertisements that funded my favorite shows. In retrospect, it was illogical for me to be upset about something that provide means for something I wanted. Artificially intelligent beings wouldn’t get upset over commercial breaks because they know what they are and their purpose. AIs would logically evaluate a situation before acting upon them, but human intelligence is clouded by emotion.

Also, I believe the greatest challenge that humans will face if we ever succeed in developing artificial intelligence would be to conquer our fear of the unknown. Human beings tend to fear the unknown or the unpredictable; This is ultimately our only challenge when facing AIs. Because if we allow our fear to control our actions towards AIs, immoral action towards other conscious beings would be taking place.


Based on my personal experience and John Locke’s “ Of Identity and Diversity”, I concluded that Ash and Ash-2 are not the same person.

Firstly, My friends, Mallory and Morgan, are the greatest people ever. They dance. They’re twins. They’re just two hard-working individuals who happened to share a very similar background. But since they’ve shared the same experiences, could they be the same person.  The answer is no. Mallory and Morgan are two awesome distinct individuals that just share a lot of personal experience with each other. As I watched the film, I asked myself “If experience, alone, is enough to assume that person B could be person A, that would mean that Morgan could be Mallory,and vice versa”, but I believe only someone with limited intelligence would agree with that. Locke elaborates on the idea of distinction in my opinion.   

In Locke’s essay, Locke says “From whence it follows that one thing cannot have two beginnings of existence, nor two things one beginning”, and I agree. Identity, as I know it, comes from the idea that no two things of the same kind can exist in the same place at the same time.Therefore, no two things can have the same beginning and neither can any thing have two beginnings. In the context of the film. Ash-2 could not be Ash, because Ash is dead. Ash cannot die twice.  

To conclude, Ash and Ash-2 are different people. While Ash-2 does share similar experiences and actions as Ash, he does not share death with him. No two things can have the same ending nor beginning. Experiences such as death and birth are two of the many things that separate things.

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