The film City of God embarks on an epic tale of the life of young Rocket. As the film progressed, Rocket went from living in small slum of Rio that would eventually became the City of God. The status quo of the city was that drug dealers rule the city. The drug dealers would often kill each for complete control of the city. This began to create a tragic cycle of killing and/or being killed by young and old people alike.
Throughout the entire film, I asked myself : Why there were so many crimes necessary for the progression of the story? The quote “Evil is necessary as a counterpart to good.” summarizes what I believe now after watching the film.
Often times, we don’t consider the necessary evil in our life. Daily, millions of chickens are killed to serve millions of people. Families in sweatshops work for pitiful wages in poor working conditions to support their family. The soil of the United States was taken literally away from Native Americans through killing them. And all for what? To accomplish the greater good?
Even if you think evil isn’t necessary, I challenge you to question your own actions. If people were never punished for doing an action considered evil, would there be any good in the world?
(He’s holding a gun)
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