Friday, October 9, 2015

Thin Grizzle Blue Man

Timothy Treadwell, the "kind warrior", the "lone guardian of the grizzlies", a man who has an addictive personality living his last 13 summers out in the Alaskan Peninsula among the Grizzly bears.  Grizzly bears are ranked as one of the most dangerous animals in the world, yet Treadwell believed he needed to be out there and protect them and love them.  Many people loved Timothy and his cause, mainly children, but with lovers also comes haters.  People also thought he was insane, or one man said he thought he had a mental disability. I don't think that was the case, Timothy was a loving man, almost like the Dr. Phil of Grizzlies.  He would talk to them like he was their father or he would help give them relationship advice. But he became so lost in living with grizzlies that he mentally almost became one.  His soul/spirit animal was a grizzly bear trapped in human form. The way his tone and speech when communicating to bears, was almost like talking to children.

The Thin Blue Line, providing a glance into the negatives of the justice system, opened my eyes and heart into the understanding that not everyone is a honest person, per not everyone is a liar as well.  "If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit".  Randall was pinned on the murder of the police officer because of circumstance and they took the word of a 16 year old kid over a 30+ year old man with no prior problems with the police.

The part that unites these two film is the use of technology.  Without Tim's hours of video footage and   Randall Adam's story on The Thin Blue Line, the world would have never seen these people and heard their stories.  Although "human imagination [can] accomplish great things" for imagining into the lives of other, the creation of these films educate and (in Randall's case) allow others to reconsider prior judgements made about a person.  Hence, the case reopening after the film was made and they proved he was innocent of the Murder of the police officer, proving that David Harris was the killer after all.  Without Timothy Treadwell's hours of devotion to the conservation of wild animals, we would have just thought he was a crazy man who was more insane the Bear Grylls.  These two examples of Documentary's provide a real truth to the lives of people whom most people would never want to be, prisoner of the state, and prisoner of the body (wanting to be a grizzly bear).  Documentaries today are so much more entertaining to most because of the fact of editing, or in the sense, we cannot trust Reality TV Shows like Survivor.  Timothy Treadwell and Randall Adams were/are the real survivors, and thanks to technology, we can see that truth for ourselves.

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